
Stake your $FTM tokens using Ledger, fWallet, Trust wallet, amongst others. We will use the fWallet in this staking tutorial.

As a popular wallet in the Fantom ecosystem, fWallet offers users the ability to stake tokens, access blockchain apps, and manage multiple tokens in one wallet. Simply connect your Ledger to fWallet or use fWallet directly to stake FTM. Install the Fantom browser extension and deposit your tokens into this wallet before continuing onto step 2.

Fantom Staking: Staking | Fantom

Fantom Scan: Fantom (FTM) Blockchain Explorer (ftmscan.com)

I. Access your wallet

  1. Acess your wallet
  1. Check your Funds.


II. Funds and Rewards Mechanics

  1. Once you've established your wallet, verify that it holds sufficient $FTM funds. Navigate to the staking section.


III. Select DxPool Node

There are many collators available for users to chose from but we recommend you stake with us. Once you have selected your validator, click “stake and continue”.


The DxPool node locks for 365 days and users may unstake anytime they want but longer stake time means higher APR.